Location: | 27°49.18' N 82°15.63' W - locator EL87UT86RR - show map 8.3 km Southeast bearing 129° from Riverview, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States [?] 8.5 km South bearing 194° from Bloomingdale, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States 24.1 km Southeast bearing 126° from Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States 41.5 km East bearing 82° from Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, United States |
Last position: | 2024-12-13 08:26:45 UTC (2m56s ago) 2024-12-13 03:26:45 EST local time at Riverview, United States [?] |
Last WX report: | 2024-12-13 08:21:45 UTC (7m56s ago) – show weather charts 8.3 °C 100% 1027.6 mbar 0.0 m/s North |
Last telemetry: | 2024-12-13 08:27:40 UTC (2m1s ago) – show telemetry Vin: 13.800 Volt, Temp: 24.500 C, Rx1h: 960 Pkt, Dg1h: 290 Pkt, Eff1h: 67 Pcnt O1 O2 O3 O4 I1 I2 I3 I4 |
Device: | Microsat: WX3in1 Plus 2.0 |
Last path: | NI4CE-11>APMI06 via TCPIP*,qAC,SECOND |
Positions stored: | 23 |
Items and objects originated: | 442.550_B 442.825_P |
Other SSIDs: | NI4CE-15 NI4CE-10 NI4CE-14 |
APRS igate – Statistics for 2024-12: | |
Stations heard directly: | 129 on radio path – show map |
Last heard a station directly: | 2024-12-13 08:28:44 UTC (57s ago) |
Normal receiver range estimate: | 180 km (Updated: 2024-12-13 08:14:37 UTC) |
Position packets heard directly: | 13720 on radio path |
Position packets sent to APRS-IS: | 12886 – show map |
callsign | pkts | first heard - UTC | last heard | longest | (tx => rx) | longest at - UTC |
callsign | pkts | first heard - UTC | last heard | longest | (rx => tx) | longest at - UTC |