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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of KC9NVV
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KC9NVV-30.0 m 0°2025-03-13 07:51:55 KC5NVV-30.0 m 0°2025-03-01 17:28:46
KD9ZGZ-158.1 km 331°2025-02-16 15:39:47 DW834412.6 km 296°2025-03-13 07:50:04
KD9RFH-i17.1 km 149°2025-03-10 18:30:44 KD9RFH-917.3 km 156°2025-03-12 22:47:02
EW219218.1 km 3°2025-03-13 07:46:21 EW826219.1 km 286°2025-03-13 07:45:37
KF0PSC-320.8 km 267°2025-03-11 05:22:05 WD9HFT-1021.4 km 75°2025-02-15 05:25:53
WD9HFT B21.5 km 75°2025-03-13 07:52:12 WD9HFT-B21.5 km 75°2025-03-13 07:52:22
KB9TBB-421.8 km 200°2025-02-18 03:15:59 KB9TBB21.8 km 199°2025-02-25 13:09:15
GW491122.2 km 281°2025-03-13 07:50:07 N9DIW-724.4 km 74°2025-03-13 03:20:10
KF0DRT24.9 km 282°2025-03-09 20:27:48 K0RC-925.7 km 314°2025-03-13 07:44:04
N0DZQ25.7 km 238°2025-03-13 07:50:59 KD0TTG-127.2 km 287°2025-02-22 01:16:00
N0DZQ-1027.3 km 244°2025-03-13 07:05:37 KF0NLK27.3 km 255°2025-02-24 01:40:07
KD0NNG27.7 km 250°2025-03-13 07:49:32 N8YAD-727.7 km 289°2025-02-25 20:53:28
KC0KUR-1027.8 km 325°2025-03-13 07:38:20 KE0IYN-728.7 km 206°2025-03-08 17:16:28
KE0IYN-128.7 km 206°2025-03-13 07:52:08 KG0E29.1 km 254°2025-03-13 07:42:03
KG0E-929.1 km 254°2025-03-12 23:59:52 KD0TTG-929.5 km 286°2025-02-14 18:44:23
GW201931.0 km 150°2025-03-13 07:49:21 EW078431.2 km 246°2025-03-13 07:46:02
EW281131.5 km 245°2025-03-13 07:53:13 W0NKA-1031.9 km 216°2025-03-11 22:34:55
W0MHR-232.5 km 252°2025-03-13 07:41:15 W5WYO-1032.5 km 175°2025-03-08 08:40:24
W5WYO-1432.5 km 175°2025-03-08 08:46:32 N0MQL-1232.6 km 253°2025-03-12 15:40:42
N0MQL-532.6 km 253°2025-03-11 14:20:02 N0MQL-932.7 km 253°2025-03-11 19:53:16
N0MQL-Y32.7 km 253°2025-03-11 13:27:08 KF0LIH33.9 km 196°2025-03-13 07:53:39
DW582834.3 km 119°2025-03-13 07:50:30 KF0KFL-735.6 km 233°2025-03-13 00:01:53
KF0KFL-135.6 km 233°2025-03-13 07:27:08 KF0KFL35.6 km 233°2025-02-16 20:25:35
KF0KFL-1335.6 km 233°2025-03-13 07:44:03 CW427935.7 km 341°2025-03-13 07:50:41
KC0WLB B36.8 km 235°2025-03-13 07:34:17 KC0WLB-B36.8 km 235°2025-03-13 07:34:17
K0LAV-836.9 km 235°2025-03-13 07:48:30 CW568937.4 km 194°2025-03-13 07:50:15
N0NAS-238.3 km 229°2025-03-09 15:40:52 KB0MTK-938.6 km 232°2025-03-12 22:19:19
GW390638.6 km 226°2025-03-13 02:41:04 146.85MSP38.8 km 220°2025-03-13 07:00:02
WB0MPE B38.9 km 185°2025-03-13 07:50:01 WB0MPE-B38.9 km 185°2025-03-13 07:50:11
AB0R40.7 km 238°2025-03-10 22:33:23 WZ9O-940.8 km 148°2025-03-09 16:38:20
KC9MKP41.2 km 173°2025-03-12 07:05:11 KD0VJS41.6 km 258°2025-03-13 07:38:46
FW321641.6 km 258°2025-03-13 07:50:17 KD0KZE41.6 km 254°2025-03-12 14:42:24
KC0MKU-1042.7 km 30°2025-03-09 23:01:53 KD0ETD-944.2 km 242°2025-03-10 22:25:47
K0PC-944.2 km 215°2025-03-10 01:12:03 N0AWN-544.6 km 241°2025-03-13 00:15:13
GW168544.8 km 325°2025-03-13 07:53:12 K9GCC B45.0 km 235°2025-03-13 07:47:12
K9GCC-B45.0 km 235°2025-03-13 07:47:22 K9GCC-R45.0 km 235°2025-03-13 00:15:12
K9GCC-D45.0 km 235°2025-03-13 00:15:02 N0HOY-1045.1 km 242°2025-03-13 07:47:56
WA7HPK-745.2 km 244°2025-03-04 01:38:34 N789PH45.4 km 257°2025-03-12 17:57:49
F614145.4 km 261°2025-03-13 07:45:29 KC0ZZQ-745.6 km 265°2025-03-04 18:21:03
VE4JOP-745.8 km 243°2025-02-20 15:26:08 W0ANA46.1 km 271°2025-03-13 07:45:37
DW380046.1 km 216°2025-03-13 07:53:17 GW462346.7 km 250°2025-03-13 07:51:04
KC9FXE-947.1 km 315°2025-03-09 19:34:20 KA0RXU-i47.1 km 237°2025-03-08 06:15:28
CW331947.6 km 212°2025-03-13 07:49:02 K0JDD-947.6 km 212°2025-03-11 23:52:49
K0JDD-147.6 km 212°2025-03-13 07:45:08 N0KFB-447.6 km 249°2025-03-13 07:26:34
N0KFB-1047.6 km 249°2025-03-13 07:52:36 N0KFB-1147.7 km 249°2025-03-13 00:25:39
GW241947.9 km 244°2025-03-13 07:50:20 KA0IZK48.1 km 227°2025-03-08 23:05:32
WB0VGI-148.1 km 320°2025-03-13 07:42:01 N0YFE48.2 km 255°2025-03-13 07:45:37
W8WRR B48.3 km 226°2025-03-13 07:35:33 W8WRR-B48.3 km 226°2025-03-13 07:35:43
WB0VGI-748.5 km 320°2025-03-12 17:16:12 WA0RA-1048.8 km 254°2025-03-13 02:15:25
FW044148.8 km 267°2025-03-13 07:53:21 KF0RQP-149.6 km 223°2025-03-06 11:36:35
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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